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A showcase for South Florida Emerging Artist

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This month feature : ChrisTarango

Artist Bio

Chris Tarango is a homegrown Texas artist who has been experimenting with different ways to express his talent his entire life. Beginning at a very young age, and to the wonder of family and friends, he explored several creative outlets.  

Making videos, sketching, and painting quickly earned him recognition and a reputation for his talents. From the flat lands of Lubbock, Texas where he was raised, to the streets of Los Angeles, where he founded a mural company while flirting with art school, and to New York City with a few solo art events, his journey has been one of personal exploration and artistic discovery. Chris continues his path, utilizing his obsession and his versatility to communicate his vision of the world around him, and his place in it.

-Turner Coats

Please also see videos for Chris Tarango here:





Thank you!

Chris Tarango

Welcome to South Florida Chris!



The art of


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